Tuesday, 8 December 2015

My best holiday is a happy new year!! Japanese call it oshogatsu, and celebrate coming a new year!! We can get New Years' cards from your friends, teachers, and colleagues. Children can get money called otoshidama from adults such as parents, and relatives. When I was a child, I bought what I wanted by using it. I enjoy eating big meals with my family and relatives. I'm glad to come the day because I can meet them  who can't meet frequently. I'm looking forward to meeting with my family and relatives next new year!

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

When I took on part time job of wedding ceremony, I heard a wondering bridal rhyme. The traditional rhyme was originated in England. It has adopted in Europe and the United States for more than 200 years. It came from the following song of Mother Goose:

 Something old,

 something new,

 something borrowed,

 something blue,

 and a silver sixpence in her shoe.

For example, a bride wears jewelry goods from mother for something old, new white gloves for something new, handkerchief borrowed from her friend who are enjoying a happy marriage life for something borrowed, and a garter with blue ribbon for something blue. The rhyme shows that a bride would be happy by wearing them. I want to do it as a surprise when my best friend gets married.