Tuesday, 10 November 2015

I’d like to learn Spanish. When classes started, I was surprised, because most of the students speak Spanish as their mother language. I know that a lot of people speak Spanish in the world, but the number of people who speak Spanish is more than I expected.. If I can speak Spanish, I can communicate with a lot of people and make more friends in various countries. In addition, Spanish makes it easier for me to travel to those countries, so if I have a chance, I want to learn Spanish.


  1. I can teach you when you want. Welcome to Spanish!!!!

  2. Good choice!!! be careful with Luz because the Spanish from Chile isn't very good ;)

  3. that is very interesting language and very nice blog with pic

  4. I'm sure some students would be happy to teach you basic words in Spanish. I only know a few words like "hola" or "como estas"!

    There are no mistakes...good job!
